It has come to our attention that some vehicles are not adhering to the detour signs around our school during arrivals and dismissals, resulting in some near misses with students. This is especially a concern at the corner of 2nd Ave. North and 2nd St. East, where vehicles have been turning north onto 2nd St. East when the detour signs indicate that a southbound turn is all that is permitted.
Our students’ safety is our top priority and we would like to remind families and the community that we have put many measures in place to ensure that students arrive at and leave school safely. This includes designated drop-off and pick-up zones, staff supervision at all gates, crossing guards at two intersections, and the detour signs to limit traffic around the school during peak times. We will have an increased RCMP presence during arrivals and dismissals to ensure that vehicles adhere to the detour signs so that our students, staff, and families stay safe. Thank you for your cooperation in this as well.
in: School Events