Attentional all RWBB Families! RWBB Spirit Wear is ready for order! Place your order before November 26th to receive it for Christmas. For all questions, please contact Tanya at . Sincerely, RWBB PAC
PAC is selling gift cards through Fundscrip again this year. By purchasing gift cards though our fundraiser, PAC will receive a percentage back while you receive the full value in gift cards. Gift card orders are due back to the school on November 16th and the gift cards will be sent home in early December. Please make cheques payable to R.W. Bobby Bend Pac. Holiday Gift Card LetterFundscrip Order Form
Socktober is Here Again! Hello ERWBB families! We have officially begun Socktober! ÉRWBBS is partnering with Main Street Project by collecting at least 433 new pairs of adult socks (433 pairs = all the students at ERWBB!). You can help Main Street Project keep many pairs of feet warm, dry and healthy this winter. Please have all donations in by October 29th! Any questions, please call Mrs. Mitchell at (204) 467-5537.
Grade 4 English 4H, 4HD & 4C Grade 4 English classes hit the ground running with our Terry Fox Run in Quarry Park during the month of September. Students read stories, watched videos, and engaged in meaningful discussions to learn more about this Canadian hero. Students continued their learning of social justice by studying the impact of residential schools. Classes painted rocks to commemorate Orange Shirt Day, using orange and the sacred colours found on the medicine wheel: red, white,… Read More
This year at ÉRWBBS we will be recognizing Truth and Reconciliation during the week of Sept. 27th. Teachers will be doing a number of activities within their classrooms in relation to Truth and Reconciliation to support the learning and understanding of the history of Indigenous people in Canada. Below are some helpful resources for speaking with your children at home about Truth and Reconciliation. Talking to our Children about Truth & Reconciliation Learning About Truth & Reconciliation Spirit Bear’s… Read More