Storytelling with author Christy Jordan-Fenton
RWBB students in Grades 2 – 4 are looking forward to their storytelling experience with author, Christy Jordan-Fenton on Wednesday, October 16th. .
in: School Events
RWBB students in Grades 2 – 4 are looking forward to their storytelling experience with author, Christy Jordan-Fenton on Wednesday, October 16th. .
in: School Events
ÉRWBBS is excited to help support the Main Street Projects’ 7th annual Socktober. In anticipation of the winter months, RWBB has set a goal of one new pair of adult socks per student at RWBB. We hope to be able to donate 420 pairs of socks which can help keep lots of feet dry and warm. We will be collecting new socks from October 1 – 24. Can you spare a pair?
in: School Events
Parents, are you curious about our French Immersion program? Do you have a child born in 2019 or 2020 (Kindergarten or Grade 1) and would like more information about how a French Immersion classroom works? If this is you, please join us on Tuesday, November 12th at 6:00 pm in Room 126. We hope to see you there!
in: School Events
in: School Events
Thank you to all our families who donated to our Terry Fox Walk/Run. We are proud to announce that we made $1,232.55 for cancer research. This donation will be made in honour of Zach Hunter, a community member and former student who lost his battle with cancer this past year. If you still would like to donate, you can do so online at the Terry Fox Foundation.
in: School Events
in: School Events
Every year students are invited to hike or bike to school throughout April, May, and June. Every week, students submitted their ballot and had an opportunity to win a gift certificate from the Kiln for an ice cream cone. Today we had the Hike or Bike Grand Finale and seven participants won a new bike, bike lock and bell. Special thanks go out to our Hike or Bike Sponsors: Stonewall Lions Club Eco-Metallic Industries TD Bank Rockwood/Stonewall Fire Department CIBC… Read More
in: School Events
Here are just a few of the wonderful donations.
in: School Events
in: School Events
in: School Events