Manitoba Excellence in Education Awards
in: School Events
in: School Events
in: School Events
in: School Events
This Christmas season, ÉRWBB would like to once again support the Christmas Cheer Board through our very successful Christmas Coin Collection of Cheer. In lieu of the generous donations of food and toys that come from our ÉRWBBS students and community each year, we would like to engage our students in a Christmas Coin Collection of Cheer that would see students bring specific types of coins on a specific day, on five individual days, all to benefit families in need… Read More
in: School Events
in: School Events
2024/2025 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION November 20 – December 1, 2023 INTERLAKE SCHOOL DIVISION requests that all parents/guardians of children eligible to attend Kindergarten in the 2024/2025 school year register their child with their local school between November 20 – December 1, 2023. Kindergarten enrollment information is essential for divisional planning for the upcoming school year. If you have an eligible student for the Kindergarten class of 2024/2025 it is important that you register with your local school during this registration period.… Read More
in: School Events
RWBB PAC is excited to be having Hot Dog Days again this year. Friday, November 10th will be the first Hot Dog Day of the year. Please hand in your order forms before Monday, November 6th.
in: School Events
Milestones matter! How your child plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves offers important clues about his/her development. Below is a checklist of milestones most children are able to complete at ages 4 & 5. These milestones are a great indicator on how you can help prepare them for Kindergarten.
in: School Events
Thank you to all our families who helped make our Socktober a great success! We collected 989 pairs of new socks for Main Street Project’s annual Socktober campaign. Your donation of socks will help keep lots of feet dry and warm and healthy this winter!
in: School Events
in: School Events