The Grade 1 French Immersion classes have been exciting to dive right into spring! 1K went to Quarry Park to search for signs of spring. We found buds growing on the trees, green grass, and we saw tulips and lilies starting to grow in the garden at the entrance of Quarry park. We were lucky enough to see water bugs, snails, and tadpoles in the pond. We could hear the frogs chirping and saw some black birds singing as they… Read More
Join in the fun! Stonewall Library is having an Outdoor Library Club Where: Stonewall Public Library When: Thursdays from 3:30 – 4:30 from May 26 – June 16 RSVP at 204-467-8415 (Space is Limited)
Concours d’Art Oratoire We would like to congratulate the grade 4 FI students on their excellent work for the French Public Speaking Competition. Each student prepared a 5 paragraph speech on an interesting topic and presented it at an “in class” competition. Every student was well prepared and presented an interesting speech. Seven students were chosen from each class to present their speech at the RWBB Concours D’Art Oratoire which took place on April 26th in the Music Room. Here… Read More
On Thursday, April 21, RWBB celebrated the long-awaited Jets Town Takeover! Our students were treated to a Mindful Movement Class with Mickey Moose and a pizza lunch. Mickey Moose was also spotted walking the hallways of RWBB and peeking his head into classrooms to say “Hi!” Thank you to True North Entertainment, Laine Wilson and the Town of Stonewall, for a wonderful day to celebrate Stonewall’s community spirit, hockey, and the importance of wellbeing. Go Jet’s Go!
Grade 1 students were gearing up For Pink Day by learning ways to be kind. We thought of ways to “Sprinkle” kindness in the classroom and share it with others. “Donut” you think Grade Ones classes are amazing.